Phrase-structure rules (so far)

Simple rules:
  1. S --> NP VP
  2. NP --> PersSubPron
  3. NP --> (Det) Adj* [ N PropN ]
  4. NP --> NP PP*
  5. PP --> P NP
  6. VP --> (Aux) (Aux) V ( [ NP PP ] )
Rules with movement:

m1. NP --> NP (RelPron) S
                     |                             |


( )    The element enclosed in parentheses is arbitrary.

[ ]     Of the several elements enclosed in brackets one and only one is used.

 *      The element followed by an asterisk is used any number of times, including 0.

|                    |    The element on the left side is used somewhere in the structure
---------->----------    of the element on the right side.

Speech parts:

S - sentence
NP - noun phrase
VP - verb phrase
PersSubPron - personal subjective pronoun: I, you, he, she, we, they
Det - determiner, one of:
article: the, a, an, any, some
demonstrative pronoun: this, that
distributive determiner: each, any
possessive adjective: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
quantifier: many, few, several
numeral: one, two, ..
PP - prepositional phrase
P - preposition
RelPron - relatiove pronoun: who, whom, whose, which, that, what
Aux - auxillary verb

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