Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Assignment #2.7

  1. Enter as a comment to this assignment the translations of the 6 questions we have discussed so far. As a reminder: these were the questions which I asked you to translate from Polish to English. Write down both the Polish and the English versions. This is now the fourth time you have been asked to do so. On all three previous occasions you misunderstood this instruction and did something else instead. So now, if you have any slightest doubt as to what you have to do, use our WhatsApp communication channel to clarify the issue.
  2. Review the grammatical material we have learned last year and which was captured in form of diagrams on the page Pictures. Be prepared to answer questions related to: speech parts, tenses, pronouns, prepositions, and modal verbs.
  3. Check whether you know all the words from the list 500 most frequently used English words

1 comment:

  1. 1) Ile zakonnic uczestniczyło we mszy wielkanocnej?
    1) How many nuns did participate in the Easter mass?

    2) Kiedy obywatele amerykańscy wybiorą swojego prezydenta?
    2) When the American's citizens will elect theirs president?

    3)w jakim szpitalu była cioci Doroty najstarsza kuzynka była operowana z powodu złamanej ręki?
    3) In which hospital aunt Dorota's oldest cousin was operated because of her broken arm?

    4) Gdzie mieszkał dziadek zanim przeprowadził się do Smardzewic?
    4) Where had granddad lived before he moved to Smardzewice?

    5) Z kim twoja najlepsza koleżanka poszła na przyjęcie urodzinowe?
    5) With whom your best friend come to the birthday party?

    6) W jaki sposób udało ci się przybyć na czas na próbę chóru?
    6) How did you manage to arrive on time to choir practice.


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