- Imagine, you are a police woman who is going to interrogate a man accused of burglarizing the apartment of Mrs Cook and threatening her with a gun during this operation. Formulate 10 questions you might be asking the man. Just questions, no answers. Make sure to use various tenses and voices in these questions. Also try to apply as rich a vocabulary as you can.
- We will be reading about the painting The Arnolfini Marriage. There is no need to do anything in advance by you to prepare for this reading. This point is just a reminder and the place to include the link to the appropriate web page.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment #2.9
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1) W jakim celu włamałeś się do mieszkania pani Cook?
ReplyDelete1) For what purpose did you burglarize the apartment of Mrs. Cook?
2) Czy pani Cook jest dla ciebie rodziną, bądź znajomą?
2) Is Mrs. Cook family or friend for you?
3) Skąd posiadałeś broń?
3) Whence did you acquire a weapon?
4) Posiadałęś zezwonenie na posiadanie pistoletu?
4) Did you have permission for the gun acquire?
5) Czy jesteś świadomy tego co uczyniłeś?
5) Do you aware of this, what did you do?
6) Czy wiesz jakie masz prawa, jako osoba, która jest przesłuchiwana ?
6) Do you know which law you have, as a person, who is interrogated.
7) Czy zamierzasz wezwać swojego prawnika do pomocy?
7) Are you going to call your lower to help?
8) Czy podczas włamania były jeszcze inne osoby, które ci pomagały
8) Were there other people who helped you during the burglary?
9) Co chciałęś osiągną, poprzez swoje nierozsądne zachowanie?
9) What did you to achieve through your unreasonable behavior?
10) Czy wiesz, że gdyby w mieszkaniu były dzieci, mogłbyś skrzywdzić je?
10) Do you know, that if the kids had been in the flat, you would have hurt them?