Friday, March 27, 2020

Assignment #2.17

  1. One of many measures undertaken to restrict the spread of the coronavirus was to close all schools. It has been for almost two weeks now that the education moved from school buildings to homes from which students work on their lessons via Internet connection. Describe this new experience. Do not restrict your report to the technical side of this procedure, i.e. how it works, but tell about your assessment of the new method as well. What works well and what doesn't? Justify your opinions with concrete arguments.
  2. We will read about the Coronavirus from Wikipedia's Simplified English version.


  1. Due that in Poland is very dangerous virus all students have to learn in houses. This method has a good and bad sides.
    When I learn in house I don't stand up at 6 o'clock but at 8 o'clock. Thanks to that I can sleep longer. I save the time because I don't do make up and haven't to rush the bus. Learn in home is good because I have everything at hand. I can make a tea or food any time.
    Learning at home are harder than when I was learning at school.
    I have to do everything myself. I process all the material myself, because I haven't video lessons with the teachers. There are very hard things because the material is new and teacher don't explain this. Mathematics is an exception, because schoolmaster translate everything and records that we see this on our laptop's monitor. That is good idea but don't as good as learn at school.
    At the biology lessons I have to make a note and next teacher give me questions in which I must make answers. When I finish the topic in the next lesson I have a short test.
    The chemistry are defeat, because the schoolmaster demand and not explain. She sent me exercise and this is all. She thinks that when she sent this I understand without her help.
    This is not the best teaching, but it will not be better now. If I want to learn, I will be able to do it myself. It all depends on attitude.

  2. Due to the very dangerous situation in Poland caused by the is very dangerous virus all students have to learn at homes This method has good and bad sides.
    When I learn at home I don't wake up at 6 o'clock but two hours later. Thanks to that I can sleep longer. I save the time because I don't do my makeup and don't have to rush to catch the bus. Learning at home is good because I have everything at hand. I can make a tea or food any time.
    Learning at home is harder than when I was at school.
    I have to do everything myself. I process all the material myself, because I don't have video lessons with the teachers. It is very hard because the material is new and teachers don't explain it. Mathematics is an exception, because the schoolmaster explains everything and records it so that we see all this on our laptops. It is a good idea but not as good as learning at school.
    At the biology lessons I have to make notes from the studied material and next the teacher asks me questions which I answer. Whenever I finish a topic, in the next lesson I have a short test.
    The chemistry is a defeat, because the schoolmaster demands and doesn't explain. She sent me an exercise and this was all. She thinks that when she sent this I understand without her help.
    This is not the best method of teaching, but it will not be better in the near future. If I want to learn, I will be able to do it myself. It all depends on one's attitude.


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