Thursday, May 28, 2020

Assignment #2.23

  1. Enter as a comment to this assignment the remaining part of the dialog which we have corrected during our last lesson.
  2. Because we shortened our last lesson to 30 minutes, we didn't have enough time to conduct the dialog described in the last assignment. We will do it now.

1 comment:

  1. B: Do you have any items with which you could use as a guarantee for the loan for example a car or a house.
    A: Yes, I have a car, a home and some valuable paintings.
    B: Do you have somebody, who might guarantee for you?
    A: Yes, I have.
    B: So, We will grant you a loan for _ days in _ installments.
    Should you have any difficulties we cough extend the repayment period of your installments. In the contract we would indicate the possibility of re-negotiate new terms after a given period.
    A: Cough I pay the loan back early and what would the cost be?
    B: Unfortunately, you can't pay back the loan early.
    A: Ok thank you for every information.
    B: Thank you too. When I create a contract I will call you.
    A: No problem. Good bay
    B: Good bay.


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