Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Assignment #8

  1. Correct the essay on your favourite teacher following the discussion from the last lesson. Place the new version as a comment to Assignment #7.
  2. I was worried that you were not able to write at least 150 words about one teacher. Write this essay again, this time in Polish only, but be more creative. Here are some ideas for you: You could write about his age, his appearance, the way he dresses; about how he speaks (can he express himself fluently, does he have a nice voice?). Is he fair in evaluating students' work? What about his temper? Does he ever get upset and angry? Give some examples of his jokes (you wrote, he had a good sense of humour). Does he assign any homework? If so, is it interesting? Does he correct it? And so on. Place the Polish essay as a comment to this assignment.
  3. Study the parse tree of the last, most complex sentence, which I have added to Home assignment #7, task 4. We will discuss it during our next lesson.
  4. Finish the Modal Verbs Exercise 1 (exercises 10-20). Process all new words following the procedure Processing new words. Pay special attention to the pronunciation. During our previous lesson you had serious troubles with it.
  5. If you haven't done it for the previous lesson already, study the two pictures Modal verbs. Make sure you understand everything there.
 The task #1 is due by Saturday. The remaining ones are due by Monday.


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  2. My favorite teacher is Mr. Ziętal, who teachs Polsh.
    He's very tough and demanding, so he expect a lot from us. He's expleins the material very good, so I understand everything.
    During lessons, we read texts from over books, and we make notes. These notes are very helpful, when I have to prepare from a test.
    The tests in Polish lessons are very difficult.
    Expect of text in the book I also have to do my reading. For example, now I'm reading "Makbet".
    The atmosphere in the classroom is fantastic, because Mr. Ziętal jokes a lot about things we have to learn.
    Thanks to this we make better the progres.

    The second teacher whom I like is Mrs. Korbyla.
    She's demanding too so I can learn biology more efective.
    During lessons, she explain very well different things. On my final I will take biology, so this is very important subject for me.
    In her lessons we mustn't told, because she does a test right away. (in this sentence I have to correct my error, but don't remamber what is it)
    We never had such the test.

  3. Moim nauczycielem polskiego jest pan Ziętal. Ma no około 30 lat, więc jest to młody nauczyciel.
    Bardzo podoba mi się jego styl ubierania, ponieważ umie tak dobrać odzież, żeby wszystko do siebie pasowało.
    Jest on bardzo nietypowym wykładowcą, ponieważ chce robić wrażenie surowego, a tak w rzeczywistości jest on bardzo sympatyczny.
    Dużo na lekcjach żartuje, przez co język polski nie jest nudny.
    Jest on bardzo szczerą osobą, ponieważ wchodząc raz do klasy, stwierdził, że śmierdzi w niej trupem i wyperfumował ją.
    Mimo niesamowitego poczucia humoru, bardzo dużo od nas wymaga. Przeważnie na lekcji pyta wybrane przez siebie osoby. Po każdym dziale robi testy, które są trudne. Zdarzyło się raz, że zrobił nawet niezapowiedzianą kartkówkę.
    Bardzo dużą uwagę poświęca lekturom, których mamy bardzo dużo.
    Również mamy z nich sprawdziany.
    Są one bardzo szczegółowe dlatego osoba, która nie przeczytała książki ma problem z rozwiązaniem testu.
    Ja pana Ziętala bardzo szanuję, za to że dużo od nas wymaga, bo dzięki temu będziemy dobrze przygotowani do matury, ale również za to, że każda jego lekcja jest interesująca.

  4. It looks, you didn't check the correctness of your text using the recommended LanguageTool for proofreading. In the future always do it before publishing any comments.


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