Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Assignment #15

  1. Write a short essay describing your recent birthday party. Start with what you told me during our lesson, namely, how you were panicking that you wouldn't be ready with your preparations before your guests would arrive.
    Write the essay following the procedure Writing an essay. The text should be at least 150-word long. Place the essay as a comment to this assignment. 
  2. Do sentences 1-10 from Modal Verbs Exercise 2.
Both tasks are due by Monday.


  1. 1. I have to be at the meeting by 10:00. I will probably have to take a taxi if I want to be on time.

    2. You don't have to submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. Check that the name, address, and background information are correct. If the form is not accurate and complete, you will be rejected and you will have to reapply at a later date.

    3. Tina: Look at these flowers - they're beautiful! But, there's no card. Who could have sent them?
    Stephanie: It must have been David. He's the only one who would send you flowers.

    4. You won't have to forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.

    5. You don't have to be so rude! Why don't you try saying "please" once in a while.

    6. If you are over 18 in California, you don't have to take a driver training course to get a driver's license. You can have a friend or a family member teach you instead. But remember, you must still get your permit before you start practicing.

    7. You don't have to be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a penny to their name.

    8. Ed: My car broke down in Death Valley last week. I have to have it towed more than a hundred miles to the nearest mechanic.
    Lilly: That must have cost a fortune!

    9. While hiking in Alaska, you must keep an eye out for bears. If you see one, you mustn't approach it. They are beautiful animals; however, they are wild and unpredictable in nature. You don't have to be afraid of them, but educating yourself about the dangers can help keep you safe.

    10. I don't have to go to work tomorrow because it is Memorial Day. The best thing about a day off from work is that I don't have to get up at 6:00; I can sleep in till noon if I want to.

  2. W zeszłym tygodniu zrobiłam imprezę urodzinową. Bardzo się stresowałam, że nie wykonam wszystkiego na czas. Najpierw kiedy piekłam ciasto i było ono już w piekarniku okazało się, że piekarnik nie jest włączony i musiałam długo czekać,aż ciasto się upiecze. Następnie kiedy nakrywałam do stołu zadzwonił mój przyjaciel, że stoi pod drzwiami. Byłam przerażona, bo impreza nie była jeszcze gotowa, a ja miałam na sobie luźne ciuchy i byłam nie pomalowana. Hubert wszedł do domu a ja szybko skończyłam przygotowania. W między czasie przyszło również paru innych gości.
    Ja ubrałam się w modne ciuchy, ale stwierdziłam, że nie będę się malować.
    Kiedy wszystko było już gotowe włączyłam muzykę a my zaczęliśmy rozmawiać. Było bardzo sympatycznie. Moim przyjaciele zjedli wszystkie przekąski, a ciasto, które upiekłam bardzo każdemu smakowało. Został tylko jeden kawałek, który zjadł mój tata.
    Bawiliśmy się do późna, ponieważ ostatnia osoba wyszła o północy. Uważam, że impreza byłam bardzo wesoła i każdemu się podobała.

  3. In last week I did a birthday's party. I was very stressed, that I didn't do everything on time. First, when I was baking a cake and it was in an oven, turned out that the oven wasn't turn on. I was must wait long for the cake to be baked. Next when I was to laying the table, my friend was calling, and he told me that was behind the door. I was terrified, because the party wasn't ready, I was wearing at loose clothes, and I was no make-up.
    Hubert was come into the room, and I was quickly finishing my preparations.
    Meantime was come a few others guests.
    I dressed up at fashion clothes, but I thought that I won'make make-up.
    When everything was ready I switch on the music, and we started speak.
    It was very pleasantly.
    My friends eaten all snacks. The dough I baked all tasted everyone. Was left one piece that my dad ate.
    We were playing ourselves late, because the last person went away at midnight.
    I think, that the party was very happy and everyone liked it.


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