- Describe your recent disease. What have been the symptoms? Have you been suffering a lot? Did you go to see the doctor? What was his or her diagnosis? Did he write any prescription? What were his recommendations for how you should behave during the convalescence? These are only some questions you might consider while writing your report. Address other issues as well. Follow the procedure Writing an essay. Place the essay as a comment to this assignment.
- Read the first paragraph from the Wikipedia article on Pneumonia. Be prepared to translate and read it aloud.
- Do parts 1 through 10 of Verb Tense Exercise 5. There is no need to copy them here as a comment.
Due by next Monday.
Trzy tygodnie temu zaczęłam się moja choroba. Na początku nie wiedziałam co mi jest. Miałam duszności i źle się czułam. Kiedy poszłam do lekarza okazało się, że mam zapalenie płuc. Od razu dostałam antybiotyk. Lekarz zabronił mi iśc na spacer, czy spotykać się z przyjaciółmi. Musiałam leżeć w łóżku. Po paru dniach moje zdrowie się pogorszyło. Miałam bardzo wysoką temperaturę. Lekarz powiedział mi że wdała się infekcja. Byłam w takim złym stanie, że prawie pojechałam do szpitala. Na szczęści 3 dni potem mój stan się polepszył i nie musiałam opuszczać domu.
ReplyDeleteNiedawno musiałam wykonać badanie krwi i inne ważne rzeczy, ponieważ lekarz podejrzewał, że mam pasożyty w organizmie.
Musiałam też wykonać rentgena płuc. Kiedy miałam wyniki (rentgen) okazało się, że moje prawe płuco jest nadal chore.
Jutro idę do pediatry. Zobaczę co powie.
Three week ago my disease began. At the beginning I didn't know what was wrong with me. I had a shortness of breath and fell ill. When I went to the doctor turned out that I had a pneumonia. At once, I got an antibiotic. The doctor forbade me went for a walk or met with friends. I was must stay in a bed. A few days later my health deteriorated. I had a very high temperature. The doctor told me that an infection has occurred. I felt terrible that I almost went to the hospital. Fortunately three days later my health was better, so I didn't leave my home.
ReplyDeleteRecently I must did a blood test and others important tests because the doctor has suspected that I have parasites in the body.
I must made a lung X-ray. When I had the results (X-ray)turned out that my right lung is still ill.
Tomorrow I will go to the pediatrician. I will see what he will say.