Re-write the 10 questions from the last lesson with the corrections we have discussed. Now, play the role of the interviewed ballet dancer and answer each question.
1 Jak ciężko pracowałaś na swój sukces? 1 How hard did you work for your success? 1 I have danced for 16 years. Each training, which I had was very intensive and demanding but I didn't give up so now I'm successful.
2 Czy posiadasz specjalną dietę, aby utrzymać sylwetkę w doskonałej formie? 2 Do you have a special diet to keep your figure in perfect form? 2 No, I don't have a special diet. I eat everything what I want. If I want a candies or fast food I eat these, but in small quantities.
3 Czy kiedykolwiek miałaś złąmane kości przez taniec? 3 Have you ever broken a bone diuring a dancing? 3 No. I don't know why my bones were never broken, because I do very complicated things in my lessons.
4 Gdzie byś pracowała, gdybyś nie odniosłą sukcesy w balecie? 4 Where would you have work if you hadn't success in ballet? 4 I don't know. I think that if I hadn't a ballet dancer, I would have been a doctor.
5 Czy podoba ci się wspołpraca ze słynną społeczną Operą w Nowym Yorku ? 5 Do you like cooperation with the famous Metropolitan Opera in New York City? 5 Yes I like this cooperation, because it is a chance to acquiring new skills.
6 Skąd miałąś pomysł, aby zarabiać poprzez taniec? 6 Whence did you have the idea, to earn money by dancing? 6 I thought that if it is my passion and I do this very well that why I can't earn money by dancing.
7 Jak długo twają twoje zajęcia i jak intensywne są? 7 How long do your activities last and how intensive they are? 7 I have classes every day. They last about three hours.
8 Czy w przyszłości masz zamiar zostać nauczycielką tańca ? 8 In the future are you going to become a dancing teacher? 8 Maybe. There is one of a few ideas, which I have.
9 Gdybyś miała dzieci to czy posłałabyś je na lekcje tańca ? 9 If you had kids, would you send them to the dancing lessons? 9 If a had kids probably I would send them to the dancing lessons, but for now I haven't kids, so I haven't this problem.
10 Czy załujesz swoich decyzji, króre podjełaś w przeszłości ? 10 Do you regret your decision, which ypu had taken in the past ? 10 No, because each decision shaped my character and led to a place, in where I'm now.
1 Jak ciężko pracowałaś na swój sukces?
ReplyDelete1 How hard did you work for your success?
1 I have danced for 16 years. Each training, which I had was very intensive and demanding but I didn't give up so now I'm successful.
2 Czy posiadasz specjalną dietę, aby utrzymać sylwetkę w doskonałej formie?
2 Do you have a special diet to keep your figure in perfect form?
2 No, I don't have a special diet. I eat everything what I want. If I want a candies or fast food I eat these, but in small quantities.
3 Czy kiedykolwiek miałaś złąmane kości przez taniec?
3 Have you ever broken a bone diuring a dancing?
3 No. I don't know why my bones were never broken, because I do very complicated things in my lessons.
4 Gdzie byś pracowała, gdybyś nie odniosłą sukcesy w balecie?
4 Where would you have work if you hadn't success in ballet?
4 I don't know. I think that if I hadn't a ballet dancer, I would have been a doctor.
5 Czy podoba ci się wspołpraca ze słynną społeczną Operą w Nowym Yorku ?
5 Do you like cooperation with the famous Metropolitan Opera in New York City?
5 Yes I like this cooperation, because it is a chance to acquiring new skills.
6 Skąd miałąś pomysł, aby zarabiać poprzez taniec?
6 Whence did you have the idea, to earn money by dancing?
6 I thought that if it is my passion and I do this very well that why I can't earn money by dancing.
7 Jak długo twają twoje zajęcia i jak intensywne są?
7 How long do your activities last and how intensive they are?
7 I have classes every day. They last about three hours.
8 Czy w przyszłości masz zamiar zostać nauczycielką tańca ?
8 In the future are you going to become a dancing teacher?
8 Maybe. There is one of a few ideas, which I have.
9 Gdybyś miała dzieci to czy posłałabyś je na lekcje tańca ?
9 If you had kids, would you send them to the dancing lessons?
9 If a had kids probably I would send them to the dancing lessons, but for now I haven't kids, so I haven't this problem.
10 Czy załujesz swoich decyzji, króre podjełaś w przeszłości ?
10 Do you regret your decision, which ypu had taken in the past ?
10 No, because each decision shaped my character and led to a place, in where I'm now.