- Our next lesson will be on Monday, January 6, 2020.
- A Christmas time is not only a time to enjoy good food and Santa Claus presents, but also a good opportunity to reflect on more important and serious things. It is also a good time for sweet recollections from the previous occasions like this. For you, Szymon, your dad and your grandfather it will be yet another Christmas without your mum, which is very sad. Surely, you will be thinking about her more than usual these days. If there would be a miracle and she would show up at the Christmas Eve supper and stay with you for just few hours, what would you be asking her? Write down as many questions as you wish. You will have plenty of time before the next lesson, so don't postpone working on this assignment to the last minute. It would require serious thinking.
- If time allows, we will continue reading about the painting The Arnolfini Marriage.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Assignment #2.12
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1 Dlaczego nas zostawiłaś ?
ReplyDeleteWhy did you leave us?
2 Czy czujesz się dobrze po śmierci ?
Do you feel good after your dead?
3 Czy tęsknisz za osobami, które opuściłaś?
Do you miss the family you left?
4 Czy jesteś dumna z tego jak radzę sobie?
Are you proud of how I'm manage
5 Co sądzisz o studiach, które zamierzam wybrać ?
What do you think about my studies which I'm going to choose?
6 Chciałabyś wrócić do nas, czy wolisz zostać ze swoją mamą?
Would you like come back to us or do you prefer to stay with your mother?
7 Czy chciałabyś od nowa przeżyć swoje życie?
Would you like to live your life again?
8 Czy byłam wystarczająco dobra dla ciebie ?
Was I good enough for you?
9 Jakich błędów powinna nie robić w moim życiu ?
What mistakes should I make in my life?
10 Czy uważasz, że dobrze traktuję rodzinę i przyjaciół?
Do you think that I treat my family and friends well?