Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Assignment #2 (email from 28.11.2018)

Dear Emilka,

here is your next assignment:

(1) The written part:

Continue with the subject from your previous assignment. Consider the
following questions:

* What have been some of the learning techniques and tools you have
been applying towards mastering the English? Which ones of those have
been your favourites? By tools I mean books (beyond your study book)
like dictionaries and other written material, phone applications and
Internet portals.

* How many times in a week do you go to the English class?

* What is the typical course of events during an English lesson with
your teacher at school?

*What are some of the home assignments from the teacher? How much time
do you need to finish them?

* You don't have to stick to the above questions. You might come up
with some releated topics on your own.

The deadline for this is next Monday.

(2) Go to the following page in the browser on your laptop:


Find the part: "Don't have an account? Sign Up"

Click on "Sign Up" and create your own account.

Should you have any problems with this, let me know on WhatsApp and I
will assist you.

Do this part before Saturday.

(3) After you will have done the step #2 sign in to your account on
cram.com and create your first collection of flash cards: use the
words you have selected last week from the list of the most frequently
used English words.

The deadline for this is next Monday.

Try to read and understand the text of this email as soon as possible
(ASAP) and let me know once you're done with this.

stryjek T.

1 comment:

  1. TBK: As the partial fulfillment of this assignment Emilka sent me the following as email:

    Engish is the language which must learn by hard rof example words. So I do this.
    To learn I use my study book, my notebook, where I have words. I use too dictionary when I have a time, but I haven't a time I use the translator.
    Sometimes I'm using the English's board. It's the book which have whole grammar.
    In middle school I was having the study book where were worsd's bank. When I finished middle school I'm sowing this and I'm making a small dictionary.
    English's lesson I have on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The lesson last 45 minutes.
    First my teacher take the register, next chech the homework, if she passed a homework. Afterwards she's doing the lesson. Sametimes at the end lesson she ask for assignmet.
    My assignment is usually writting a letter, or doing exercise.


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