here is your next assignment:
(1) In your "words" collection on correct the following words:
"though" instead of "thought"
"until" instead of "untill"
(2) On create the following new collections:
* irregular verbs
* prepositions
(3) Go to the page:
If you have access to a printer, print the above page.
Add all the prepositions from the page to your collection
"prepositions" on
(4) From the list of the most frequently used English words
identify the next 20 words you don't know and add them to your "words"
list on
(5) Re-write both texts you did for assignments #1 and #2, this
time with all the corrections we have discussed during our lessons.
(6) Go to the page:
Click on the picture to enlarge it. Again, if you have access to a
printer, print the picture.
Read as much as you can from this page. We will be studying it during
our next lesson.
Parts (1) through (4) are due by Friday. Parts (5) and (6) are due by Monday.
Record the total time spent on this assignment.
stryjek T.
TBK: As the fulfillment of part (5) of this assignment Emilka sent me the following as emails:
I have been learning English since when I was 8 Jears old.
In kindergarden I learnt easy things. In primary school it was harder and harder.
I didn't have a good teacher, so I must have learnt at home with my mother. didn't like these lessons, because my mother couldn'texplains very weel.
English in middle school was awful.
(In this moment we was stopping translate)
I have an teacher, who didn't can translate and she screamed a lot.
I didn't like her.
In third grade I have a new teacher, who is very demandling, so I learnt English a little.
Engish is a language which must be learn by hard for example words. So I do this.
To learn I use my study book, my notebook, where I have words. I use dictionary too/aswer when I have a time, but when I don't have time I use the translator.
Sometimes I use the table English of grammar.
In middle school I had a study book whichcontainlist of English words. When I finish the middle school I cut the pages from this book and I made a small dictionary.
(in this moment we was finishing translate the text. )
English's lesson I have on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The lesson last 45 minutes.
First my teacher take the register, next chech the homework, if she passed a homework. Afterwards she's doing the lesson. Sametimes at the end lesson she ask for assignment.