Tuesday, December 11, 2018

WhatsApp Chat (November 2018)

Marking conventions:

  • M - something is missing;
  • A - an article is missing;
  • fragment colored in red - erroneous part.

11/19/18, 22:20 - Emilka K: Hello unce,
I have whatsapp finally.

11/20/18, 01:55 - Tomasz Księżyk: It's great. I will contact you at 15:30 today. Make sure the battery of your phone wouldn't die during our lesson. Have also your laptop handy.

11/20/18, 08:27 - Emilka K: Ok I will make sure the battery M and I will have A laptop handy.
See you soon.

11/20/18, 09:09 - Tomasz Księżyk: (1) In most cases English nouns should be preceded by an article or a pronoun. (2) There is something missing after the word  "battery" in your first sentence.
Write your post again, this time without errors.

11/20/18, 14:09 - Tomasz Księżyk: I have just sent you an email message. Read it before our lesson today.

11/21/18, 16:18 - Emilka K: I was reading Your e-mail. I will do this assignment on Friday, because I have a lot of learn.

11/21/18, 16:21 - Emilka K: Uncle, can you check my e-mail, whitch I will send to you ?

11/21/18, 16:30 - Tomasz Księżyk: Sure. I will read it tonight.

11/21/18, 16:30 - Emilka K: Ok No problem

11/21/18, 16:32 - Emilka K: So I'a writting now this and next I will send this to you.

11/21/18, 17:09 - Emilka K: letter to Mark

11/21/18, 17:46 - Tomasz Księżyk: There are some errors in the text you have sent me. If this assignment is for tomorrow, we could discuss it on the phone right now. Let me know whether you want to do this.

11/21/18, 17:49 - Emilka K: Yes this assignment is for tomorrow, but now I M go on the balet and I will be in home at 20:30

11/21/18, 17:50 - Emilka K: And next I will do my homework further

11/21/18, 17:50 - Emilka K: Can you write in wathsapp my errors ?

11/21/18, 17:58 - Tomasz Księżyk: I will make an exception and do it. Make sure to look up the word "exception" in your dictionary.
I will send you my corrections over email. It would be easier for me to type this way.

11/21/18, 18:17 - Emilka K: Ok thank you so much.

11/21/18, 18:29 - Tomasz Księżyk: I have just emailed you the corrections.

11/21/18, 22:53 - Tomasz Księżyk: internship
she wears
T-shirts or plain tops
she has a good sense of humour

11/21/18, 21:28 - Emilka K:  letter to Mark with corrections

11/21/18, 22:57 - Emilka K: Ok thak you, I correct this

11/21/18, 22:57 - Emilka K: Thank you*

11/21/18, 23:32 - Tomasz Księżyk: Try to be more careful in the future.

11/21/18, 23:51 - Emilka K: Ok I'll be more careful.

11/21/18, 23:53 - Tomasz Księżyk: You should be in bed by now.

11/21/18, 23:55 - Emilka K: I should be in bed now but I learn yet

11/21/18, 23:56 - Tomasz Księżyk: ... but I still have to learn.

11/21/18, 23:56 - Emilka K: Ok

11/24/18, 17:39 - Tomasz Księżyk: Did you read my recent email?

11/24/18, 17:52 - Emilka K: Yes I read you email.
I made A assignment but I will sent this when I'll go back at home.

11/24/18, 17:55 - Tomasz Księżyk: Did you understand everything I had written there?

11/25/18, 00:02 - Emilka K:  home work #1 part 1

 11/25/18, 00:02 - Emilka K: home work #1part 2

11/25/18, 00:03 - Emilka K: This is my assignment and there are an word which I don't know.

11/28/18, 10:23 - Tomasz Księżyk: I have just mailed you the next assignment. Don't delay much with reading it.


  1. 1)... the battery in my phone...*
    2) ... have the laptop...
    3)I read your... I have a lot learn
    5)I'm writting the text* and next I will send the text* to you.
    6)I'm going to ballet and I will be at home ...
    7) can you correct my errors on WhatsApp*
    8)I should be in bed, but I'm still learning.
    9)I read your email.
    10)I made the assignment... I'll go back home.
    11)... there are words*

  2. (3) a lot of learn --> a lot TO learn
    (5) I'a writting now this and next I will send this to you. --> I'M WRITING IT now and next I will send IT to you.
    (11) there are an word --> there are THE WORDS


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